Press Here



Title: Press Here

Author: Herve Tullet

Illustrator: Herve Tullet

Age Group: 0-5

Synopsis: This interactive book practices following instructions, colors, and directions in such a fun way that adults will be reaching down to try it out.



The Low Down:

We know a lot of teachers. My mother’s a teacher, my sister’s a teacher, my best friend is a teacher, I was a teacher. There’s a lot of child interaction going on over here. So when two of the above educators make not only a point of bringing a specific book to my attention but also purchasing that book for Bug, I know it’s something I should be paying attention to. That being said, Press Here was not a book the Bug took to immediately. I think he was confused by the simplicity of it. Where were the spaceships, the pirates, the lions? What’s up with just this yellow dot in the middle of the page? It was on our third attempt that it all ‘clicked’ and oh man did it open the flood gates.

The story begins with just a simple yellow dot and a set of instructions. The reader is directed to press the yellow dot or rub it or blow on it. In each instance the next page is influenced by the readers actions. Bug squealed in delight every time we turned the page and the dots were magically different. The reinforcement that Press Here offers is so important for young minds. Finding that they can influence the world is such an important piece of self-discovery. The narrator is so entertaining, egging the readers on at every turn. “Clap. A little louder. Just a bit more.” It’s encouraging and supportive and slightly mischievous all at the same time. At the end when everything has gone crazy and dots are blowing up to the size of tennis balls, somehow it all magically sorts itself out. And of course the narrator asks: “Want to do it again?” Yes, of course we do.

Story Tips:

  1. This is another book that may take more than one go to get your little one hooked.
  2. We also used play dough while reading it the second time. Pressing our fingers into the play dough, rubbing it and shaking it. We love anything that encourages sensory exposure.

I need more!

Herve Tullet doesn’t just write books, he creates them. His other works include books that have holes cut out of them, play with shadows, scribbles, matches, colors, and shapes, and have inescapably intriguing names such as: Doodle Cook. All his titles look fabulous, I can’t wait to discover another.

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