The Princess Bride

Title: The Princess Bride Author: William Goldman Age Group: Adult Synopsis: A dad remembers reading “a book” with his father filled with adventure, evil, and most importantly true love.
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The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear

Title: The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear Author: Don and Audrey Wood Illustrator: Don Wood Age Group: 0-6 years Synopsis: It’s only after
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May 19, 2016

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes Painting Extravaganza!

Bug had a fever last night and it didn’t show any signs of going away. So, I had cancelled all of his fun classes and messy play sessions. He
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Little Blue Truck

Title: Little Blue Truck Author: Alice Schertle Illustrator: Jill McElmurry Age Group: 0-6 years Synopsis: Little Blue Truck makes friends with barnyard animals and teaches us the lessons of
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Spell Breaker

It was Julio Mendoza’s lack of parental responsibility or it may have been his over abundance of self-preservation that drove him from Teresa’s house that morning. Whichever, as he
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The Wheels on the Bus

Title: The Wheels on the Bus Author: Paul O. Zelinksy Illustrator: Paul O. Zelinsky Age Group: 1-6 Synopsis: A brightly colored adaptation of the beloved children’s song, complete with
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Dust Jacket Dilemma

I’m not sure about you but I’ve never been a fan of dust jackets. I understand the purpose but honestly, they just get in the way. I have places
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Title: Beauty Author: Robin McKinley Age Group: 12+ Synopsis: A retelling of Beauty and the Beast that is even more magical and charming than the original story.    
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