July 27, 2018

Goldfish on Vacation

Title: Goldfish on Vacation Author: Sally Lloyd-Jones Illustrator: Leo Espinosa Age Group: 3-6 Synopsis: The fountain in the park is covered in scum and trash but when it’s turned
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July 24, 2018

KidLit Picks’ Suggestions – Non-Fiction Picture Books

When I’m choosing books for my kids, I always reach for the storybooks first – that’s what I grew up loving to read. But experts say children will thrive
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Bad Seed

Title: Bad Seed Author: Jory John Illustrator: Pete Oswald Age Group: 3-6 Synopsis: The main character embraces what everyone says about him, that he’s a bad seed but eventually
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Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

Title: Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress Author: Christine Baldacchino Illustrator: Isabelle Malenfant Age Group: 3-6 Synopsis: Morris enjoys dressing up at school in the fun tangerine dress and
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Where Oliver Fits

Title: Where Oliver Fits Author/Illustrator: Cale Atkinson Age Group: 3-6 Synopsis: Oliver is so excited to find where he fits in life but after trying and trying he can’t
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July 5, 2018

Here We Are

Title: Here We Are Author/Illustrator: Oliver Jeffers Age Group: 3-6 Synopsis: A subtly amusing introduction to living on the planet earth. The Lowdown: Bug has been very interested in
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July 3, 2018

KidLit Picks’ Suggestions – Wordless Wonders

Picture book text can be funny, thoughtful, tender, (insert a million other adjectives here), but some of my favorite picture books are wordless. In a wordless (or nearly wordless)
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KidLit Picks’- Perseverance

Perseverance, grit, growth mindset, etc. Anyway you spin it, it’s a hot topic right now. And rightfully so. The importance of encouraging effort over ease has been proven to
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